Royal Poker Strategy
In this hand the caller gets into a massive pot, deep stacked with multiple players. She and Bart go over how to play each street and when it is. The simplest poker strategy I can share is. Patience you will need it to win a 300+ player tournament. SUBSCRIBE TO ROYAL POKER TOURNAMENT NEWS LETTER.
Poker Strategy Articles and Tips . The probability of seeing two royal flushes played on the same hand are likely comparable to the probability. Play Royal Poker for free online with Replay Poker. Voted the BEST play money poker site. No download required, games run 24/7 and Australian players welcome! Think up a plan, due to which you will become a true king of this fighting strategy game.
Beforeyou can start playing poker, you need to understand what hand beatswhat. It's actually quite simple and it is explained here.
In poker, the lowest card is a two, and the higest is an ace. Card have two Important attribute:
Card Rank:The numercial value of the card is called rank and cards are ranked as follows, from lowest to highest:

2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Jack, Queen, King, Ace
Card Suit: The other important attribute of a card is the card suit which is either diamond, club, heart or spade.
Poker hands are made up of a series of 5 cards. Some hands are based on card ranks only, some are based on suit only while others are based on a combination of rank and suit.
Royal Poker Strategy Against
Beginners may want to print this poker hand ranking reference card until they are comfortable with all poker hands.
The simplest poker strategy I can share is
Patience you will need it to win a 300+ player tournament which will take around 24 hours of poker play split over 4 days
Position Always play in position of your opponent (unless you have pre flop monster hand in the situation)
Intuition A strong Feeling, or your higher mind engaging in the situation and communicating with you via a feeling (very rare occurrence for me) , or your first initial thought regarding the decision you’re facing.
The 3 weapons in poker
Rock – Chip stack
Paper – The value of your hand
Scissors – The position you are sat compared to your opponent(s)
Each one has a power over one other. Know which weapons you have before entering a hand.
There is one hand I played recently which I thought was marginal.

The tournament started with around 7000 players and with 1100 players left I was in position 400th with around 60k in chips. The payout was for the top 1000 players.
The blinds are 1k/2k and I picked up Ace King unsuited in middle position and raised to 4.5k, the button who had only played one hand aggressively and won a big pot early in the tournament and hadn’t played many hands successfully since then, pushes all in for 25k.
Would you call leaving you with around 30k in chips if you lose? I called and he turned over KK and I lost half my chips and busted in 900 position (minimum cash)
As the RPT is a live event, I can recommend this book and video series specializing in verbal and non verbal poker tells.
The author is Zach Elwood and his research and content is vast in the area of poker tells, both verbal and non verbal.
Here is an article from Zach I liked.
To set the scene, this hand occurred on Day 1 of the One Drop with the blinds around 15,000/30,000. (Carrel talked about this hand long after it happened, so there are some approximations.)
Paul Newey, a regular player of high-rollers who’s known for being pretty tight, raised from the “lojack” position (the spot before the hijack). A rich recreational player then three-bet from the button to 165,000. This gentleman had quite a loose image, according to Carrel.
Carrel, with 3.2 million in the small blind, decided to four-bet to 425,000 with . He says this was mainly an exploitative decision, as he put his opponent on a pretty wide range, and he also chose a smaller bet-size to induce calls. His opponent did indeed call.
The pot was now around 1 million, and Carrel’s opponent had 1.675 million behind.
The flop came . Carrel decided to bet, as he thought his opponent range was very wide and that he’d be floating just about everything. He bet 275,000.
His opponent went into the tank for at least a minute-and-a-half, which Carrel describes as “really strange.” This tank made it very likely, in Carrel’s opinion, that Carrel was ahead.
He’d built some rapport with his opponent, and thought he knew him pretty well. He definitely didn’t seem the type to tank-call with strong hands, as tank-calling in such a spot with strong hands would seem a pretty weird or amateurish (or jerky) thing to do, all things considered. And Carrel thought with his pair-type hands he would just call in more of a normal time, not tank-call. Same with his flush draws.
Royal Poker Strategy Tactics
Eventually he did call, and Carrel felt confident going to the turn that he was ahead. The pot had reached 1.55 million, and Carrel’s opponent had 1.4 million behind.
The turn was the , making the board . Carrel checked, and his opponent bet 800,000, leaving himself 600,000 behind.
The sizing worried Carrel. He was expecting smaller bet-sizing from missed floats on the turn, something more like 550,000 or so. The sizing lowered Carrel’s confidence that he was ahead. So he decided to talk to try to get some information.
The reason he thought talking might bear some fruit is that the two of them had been joking around earlier in the tournament, and as mentioned they had established some rapport. He was a chatty guy — friendly, but with a little bit of ego as well.
So Carrel talked for a bit. And after a whole minute, his opponent had still not said a word. Carrel interpreted this as likely to indicate weakness. He thought, considering what he knew of the guy’s personality, that if he actually had a pair (which he’d likely know was good based on Carrel’s talking here), he would be likely to respond.
As Carrel says, “It is so difficult when someone you have rapport with is speaking to you [in a friendly way]. It’s so difficult to just ignore them and pretend they’re not there, and to keep that gruff face. I really felt if he had value hands, I gave it a high likelihood — like 75 to 80 percent likelihood — that he would end up speaking in a jocular, jesty fashion.”
Carrel then called the clock on himself, as he thought this would be amusing and maybe yield some more information. His opponent then smiled, but it was a smile Carrel called the “final nail in the coffin.” Carrel thought it was not a comfortable smile. Considering this man’s previous demeanor, Carrel thought it was likely he would display more enjoyment at scooping a decent-sized pot at this point in the tournament.
Putting all these pieces together, Carrel opted to shove, putting his opponent to the test for his remaining 600,000. He snap-folded.
The Tank-Call
I have a few thoughts on the various behaviors Carrel notes in this hand.
First, most fairly experienced and straightforward players don’t make a habit of doing deceptive or weird things like tank-calling with a fairly straightforward decision. This is especially true if they’re playing an opponent they respect. They don’t want to be perceived as holding up the game, or of being underhanded.
For this reason, in some contexts a tank-call like this can make it very likely the person has an actual decision. As Carrel says, he thought the tank-call here meant the guy didn’t have any pair hand, as he’d likely call in a more normal time.
Also, in the same context, an experienced player will generally not tank-call in such a spot with a strong hand, as he might look silly or underhanded later. Obviously there are some players who will do this, but for the most part, mutual respect between players generally keep such weird or tricky deceptions from happening.
Like many of the more subtle tells, this one will usually be based on how well you know the player in question. For example, if it were a stranger, for all you know the player could often take a long time in random spots. Or the player might often do deceptive things when strong.
A final note on this: these thoughts wouldn’t apply to a tank-shove here, as seeming uncertain and then betting/raising will generally make a strong hand more likely.
Generally, talking from a bettor will be much more meaningful than that bettor’s silence. This is because silence is the norm; it’s usual for all bettors to remain silent, whether they have a strong hand or are bluffing. The information usually only comes in the form of talking. Sometimes there are clues in a player’s talking that makes it likely they are relaxed.
In my books and videos, I often say, “the lack of a tell is not necessarily a tell.” That idea is generally also true about silence. In general, in a vacuum, there is not much information to be found about a bettor’s silence.
But in Carrel’s case, the hand was not occurring in a vacuum. For one thing, he had a good sense of this player’s mannerisms. He knew he was personable and jocular, with a little bit of ego. He’d seen him joke around verbally with people in several spots. He also knew he was a wealthy guy who probably wouldn’t be as guarded as would a more serious player who cared more about the money.
Besides that basic information, Carrel was actively trying to induce behavior with his own talking and questioning. Talking to an opponent makes it more likely the player will interact with you. As Carrel explained, he thought it was very likely that this player, if he were relaxed and had a decent hand, wouldn’t be able to resist responding in some way.
In Exploiting Poker Tells, following up on the point that the lack of tells is not necessarily a tell, I say, “The more frequent a tell is, the more meaning its absence contains.” In this case, Carrel thought this player’s tell of talking with a good hand would be very frequent, so therefore the lack of talking would be likely to contain some meaning.
The Uncomfortable Smile
When considering smiles from a player making a significant bet, it is generally only the biggest and most dynamic smiles that are the most meaningful. Those smiles will pretty reliably indicate relaxation.
On the other hand, small smiles from bettors are generally much harder from which to get information. This is for the same reason that silence is generally hard to read — bettors with both strong hands and weak hands are easily capable of putting on small smiles.
Similar to a bettor’s silence, information from a small smile will only be possible when you have a player-specific read. In this case, Carrel thought this gentleman, if he knew he were ahead, wouldn’t be able to resist a loose, unguarded reaction to Carrel calling the clock on himself. If this were a vacuum, with an unknown player, that would be a very tough read to make with any confidence.
All of the behaviors discussed above were more actionable because Carrel knew his opponent was fairly recreational and not super-serious about the game. This aspect made it easier for Carrel to act on these reads.
If this hand had been against a very skilled live opponent, it probably would have been more difficult to reach a confident conclusion, just because skilled players are more capable of being balanced with their behavior and occasionally being tricky.
You can hear the full interview on The Chip Race, season 4, episode 4. Here are some links for the podcast: